Wednesday, April 17, 2013

All you need is Love

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This fantastic wall is at a church near my home. Every time I drive by my heart is filled with warmth. Life is full of an abundance of color, a variety of ways to soak up love. If you open your eyes and soul to see the vast array of "color" love will pour in to your life in ways your would never imagine.

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Purple Helmet

As I was strutting the aisles while pushing my fire red shopping cart with an overtired toddler taunting my every step with a screech of disapproval the other night,  a kind lady wearing a  purple bicycle helmet approached me. It seemed a tad unusual to have a bicycle helmet come at me in the store but I quickly dismissed it because of her giant beautiful smile.

 She asked me, in the sweetest voice, "Does this helmet look okay on my head? Is it purple enough? Does me head look goofy?" All the while smiling. It took me a minute to answer, as my eyes danced around the top of her body, not only trying to process her questions but trying to understand why she was speaking to me, a total stranger. It looked like a normal helmet to me. A small purplish turtle shell protecting her most prized possession, her "thinker". I told her it looked fine to me. She thanked me and said, "since you seem to appreciate a colorful life, I knew you would know if this was the right one."

We chatted a moment more and then said our goodbyes and off I went, down the aisles with screeching toddler in tow. My mind began to wander away from the screeches and I tried to process her comment. "You seem to appreciate a colorful...". Hmmmm what did she mean? Why did she assume I was an expert in this area? Then it dawned on me. My entire head is a bright purple. I totally forgot. Imagine that. My hair color doesn't rule my life, or does it?

My heat began to grow warm. Loud and clear my hair shouts that I am not afraid to be loud and live in a world that makes me happy even in my thirties or even as a mom. I try, or rather I am learning how to live a life where expressing myself and teaching my children to express their individuality and passion for life is of high importance. To embrace each day and all it encompasses and allows us to experience. How amazing was this short lived conversation with a remarkable stranger. And that complete stranger just asked ME, my opinion, on something in her life because I embraced color into my life. Because I embraced the idea of being different and allowed myself to be who I am. I had the pleasure of speaking to another wonderful human being about nothing significantly important other than human interaction.  A simple casual conversation with another person about their life and the smallest aspects that help piece together the beauty. I felt honored. And that my friends is what living a colorful life is all about.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Color Momma emerges

I have been trying for the last few weeks, well maybe even months, to find a way to merge this new brain dump of mine, aka the spastic rumbles in my mind, into my old self blog, Pink Haired Momma. I found myself writing posts about my crazy thoughts day after day and yet I never could get them completed and posted. Something just felt off, not quite there; I couldn't post to Pink Haired Momma because well, I am not Pink Haired Momma anymore.

I have grown and matured, (haha well as matured as I purple haired thirty something to 2 little girls can be) into a new person. Yes, that is right, currently I am sporting a new vibrant purple style, and I really like it.

Life happens. We grow. We learn. We change. We develop from our experiences into something more, something greater and more wise than our past selves. Our lives are enriched each day as we soak in the vibrant knowledge that passes through our senses and dances with our thoughts and feelings from the spontaneity that life tosses in our path. Gone are the days of diapers and dirty dishes and now the days are graced with "momma, come check my butt" (post kid wipe) and slams of bedroom doors when asked to clean your plate. We develop, we grow, we change into a better self than we once were, or rather we teach our kids to do chores for themselves, so we can lead a more colorful life surfing Pinterest and drinking (colorful) wine.

A friend of mine posted a link to a blog post recently. I read through the authors words and immediately felt at home in my own mind. I finally was able to wrap my hands around why I was having such a hard time finding my voice again via my blog. This specific Quote, "Life doesn’t wait until you “get thin” enough to capture it. Life is happening . . . it is happening right now and the only moment we are guaranteed is the one we are living. I shudder at the thought of leaving behind no pictures of my life with ME in it." really sealed my thoughts together. It opened my mind to why I was having such a difficult time transitioning back into Pink Haired Momma. 

I want to experience everything life has to offer and teach my children to laugh, love and enjoy life. I see each day as a blessing filled with a vibrancy that should not be subdued. We should embrace it and use our own minds to enrich the experience to the full potential our minds are capable of. We should soak in the warmth of the yellow sun and crisp cool air on gray winter day. We should allow our children to stay up past bedtime and lay on the tender cold green grass as their eyes dance across the black sky sprinkled with twinkly white stars. We should surround ourselves with a palette of love that makes our hearts soar and our minds complete. We should adorn our heads with long purple strands or teal wisps or brown frizzy locks, if it makes our minds clear and our hearts sing. We should be living RIGHT NOW, embracing it. I do not want to look back on my life and regret not spending a lovely afternoon in the backyard with my kids because I had dishes to wash. I do not want to remember a moment in my past where we chose NOT to climb the mountain and therefore missed seeing the beauty of a sunset collapsing on a perfect day. I want to shower my children in a life full of possibilities. Full of color and love and living.

We are living, thriving, colorful creatures who need to ingest the beauty of our world and contribute beauty to the world around us. As The Color Momma I will be doing just that. I hope you follow along as I learn to stop and smell the red roses, break for a minute in my day to show my children a yellow bumble bee landing on a soft white gardenia or enjoy the the vibrant buffet of colors that pop off my television screen as my husband relaxes into a game of zombie killing. I want to share with you how we as a family will learn to live a very COLORFUL life full of unexpected surprises in each and every day. Where life will lead us is unclear, but you bet we will find the "color" in every moment, every day.  Life is a remarkable canvas that contains a uniqueness to each of its artists. And as the artists we must see the hallmark of even the smallest contributions.